Learning support
If you have a learning difficulty or disability, we may be able to offer you some support to ensure you can progress confidently with your learning.
Support could include:
- an individual support plan
- a hearing loop (classroom delivery)
- special computer equipment (classroom delivery)
- large print (online and classroom delivery)
- a communicator if you are deaf (classroom delivery)
- exam adjustments (formal assessment required)
- a note taker or reader.
If you would like to discuss your support needs with our support team, please DALSenquiries@derby.gov.uk or telephone 01332 956565. Text Relay users can use 18001 01332 956565.
Help with course fees and other costs
If you are looking to start a skills qualification course with us but you may struggle to pay the fees, you can apply to the Hardship Support Fund for help with some of the costs. This fund can help with financial support towards:
- exam costs
- course fees
- help with travel costs
- special equipment
- course books (up to 2)
- a contribution towards childcare costs (if eligible)
To find out more about how you apply to the Hardship Support Fund please speak to a member of our team in the centre or call 01332 956565.
Allenton Bursary scheme
If you live in the Allenton Big Local area you can apply for a bursary for up to £500 towards your course fees and £500 towards childcare costs so that you can attend your course. For further details go to the Big Local - The Plan for Allenton website.