Complaints policy and procedure
Policy Statement
Derby Adult Learning Service (DALS) is part of the Derby City Council’s People Services Directorate. We are committed to improving our services. One of the best ways we can do this is to make it easy for our learners and employers to tell us if they think something is wrong.
This policy aims to provide a process to resolve individual complaints in a way which is as fair and quick as possible. It is our objective to find a solution to individual complaints as early in the procedure as possible.
Complaints procedure
If you have a complaint you should raise this as soon as possible.
You can do this by speaking to a member of staff at the centre, your tutor, the Curriculum Area Manager (including Apprenticeships) or you can complete one of the forms next to the ‘suggestions and complaints’ boxes located in the reception area of each centre.
Alternatively you can complete our online complaints form from a computer, tablet or phone:
Support with completing the complaints form
If you find completing the form difficult, please speak to your tutor or a member of staff at the centre, who will be happy to support you.
Anonymous complaints
You can make an anonymous complaint, but if you do, we will not be able to respond to you with our findings.
Dealing with complaints
Stage 1: Investigation
For complaints relating to learning or the course delivery
Your complaint will be passed to the Curriculum Manager for your area (or Apprenticeship Manager). They will acknowledge and respond to your complaint within 7 days of receiving it.
Where a complaint requires further investigation, we will reply by letter or email and tell you our actions and timescales for providing a full response.
For general complaints relating to the centre you attend
Your complaint will be passed to the Centre Manager. They will acknowledge and respond to your complaint within 7 days of receiving it.
Where a complaint requires further investigation, we will reply by letter or email and tell you our actions and timescales for providing a full response.
Stage 2: Appeal
If you feel our response and any associated action has not resolved your complaint, you can raise a formal complaint with the Derby City Council’s Complaints Officer. They will arrange for your complaint to be further investigated.
The Complaints Officer’s details are on the complaint form. They will aim to acknowledge and respond to your complaint within 20 days of receiving it.
Stage 3: Further action
If you are still not satisfied with the response, you can request that your complaint be investigated by the Derby City Council’s Chief Executive.
They will aim to acknowledge and respond to your complaint within 20 days of receiving it. The decision taken by the Chief Executive is final.
We try to deal with all complaints in a sensitive and caring way. However, we do understand that a complainant can feel particularly distressed if they think they have been treated unfairly because of their disability, race, age, gender, gender identity, sexuality, or their religious beliefs. For complaints of this sort we will work closely with Derby City Council’s Equality Standard Project Manager.
Further information
For further information about our complaint’s procedure, please contact Heather Pawley, Senior Manager - Operations and Finance. Telephone 01332 956357